Developments Coming Soon

Oakland Crossings
Walnut Capital wants to transform a section of Oakland into a world class gateway and desirable neighborhood for all income levels. The project will create up to 4,000 union construction jobs.

Wexford Science + Technology 3440 Forbes Avenue Development
Wexford Science + Technology, a real estate firm that specializes in researched-oriented development that is working with the University of Pittsburgh, is working on its first project in Oakland, a 10-story, 153 foot tall, office building to replace the Murdoch Building at 3440 Forbes Avenue.

The Innovation Research Tower
Local real estate firm Walnut Capital Management began construction on the empty properties at Fifth Avenue and Halket Street in Oakland to create a new, state of the art, multi-purpose high rise building, offering extensive laboratory and office spaces as well as street-level retail. Termed the “Innovation Research Tower,” the space will be the first facility designed specifically for innovation and entrepreneurship companies in the Pittsburgh Innovation District.