Promotion & Marketing
OBID is committed to marketing Oakland as a whole community that offers multiple experiences. Creating a “buzz” for Oakland has brought positive attention to the community while enhancing the image of Oakland as a great place to live, to work, to hang out in and to locate your business.
The OBID also works to keep all of our members up-to-date on what is happening in our neighborhood, opportunities to engage with the organization and ways to improve their businesses. Each month the OBID sends out e-newsletters reaching over 6,000 people with a plethora of relevant and timely information about our membership, available promotional opportunities, commercial real estate listings and much more. Social media plays a key role in marketing OBID’s marketing endeavors, posting to Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn regularly.
We want to stay in touch with you! If you would like to hear more from us, please contact us at!

Member Opportunities
To learn more about making Oakland home for your business, please visit OBID Member Special Opportunities
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