The Oakland Plan
OBID's recommendations for the City of Pittsburgh's Draft Oakland Plan can be found below.
If you'd like to support our recommendations, please sign your name on this form ahead of the May 17th Planning Commission Hearing.
You can read our full commentery on the draft Oakland Plan here:
The Oakland Plan will create a 10-year plan with a shared vision for Oakland's future and the projects and programs necessary to make that vision a reality.
Once adopted by the Planning Commission, the Oakland Plan will become City policy and guide public and private investments in the area. New land use regulations, transportation and infrastructure improvements, and public programs may also be recommended by the plan. The plan area generally includes the neighborhoods of North Oakland, Central Oakland, South Oakland, and West Oakland.
Each planning process is tailored to the needs of the community and involves a wide variety of stakeholders, public agencies, and non-profit partners. This planning process will incorporate input and ideas from prior plans including Oakland 2025 (2012), the Innovation Oakland Master Plan (2010), Institutional Master Plans, and other plans. Learn more about past plans for Oakland's future.
The Oakland Plan follows the process established in the Neighborhood Plan Guide. Completed plans from the neighborhood planning program include the EcoInnovation District Plan, Manchester-Chateau Neighborhood Plan, Greater Hazelwood Neighborhood Plan, and Homewood Comprehensive Community Plan.
Who is involved in creating the plan?
Steering Committee
The Steering Committee is a collaborative group comprised of representatives for the organizations, businesses, institutions, and residents of Oakland. The Committee works with public agency staff to develop the Public Engagement Plan, review the work of the Action Teams, help to develop the resulting plan and support the plan's adoption. Organizations will also be asked to commit to working on the plan's implementation. Committee members are expected to participate fully in the planning process, represent their organization and themselves, and report back to the community.
In the News
A block of Oakland Avenue is now an al fresco eatery.
Next Pittsburgh
Other city streets and sidewalks will offer outdoor dining soon
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